Hmmm That is an interesting point. Never really saw it that way and its kinda ironic considering the trend with a lot of movies and television shows seem to be as time goes on you can get away with more and more stuff. Also umm I know you aren't an expert or anything but do you know if any of the older movies have a conflict that isn't "man vs. man"(or in some cases anthromorphic equilvant of man). I mean when I think about it seems like all Disney/Pixar movies have that conflict. You know there's always a villian not just a character fighting their own demons or braving the elements. I might have to check out that Watership Down movie and All Dogs Go To Heaven for that matter (kinda remember some parts but not much).
Whats wrong with every parent and "society" kids are always thinking that the world is perfect, peaceful, friendly and thats not good at all....makes kids stupid and doesnt know anything about true trust or friendship at all! because of the movies and tv think that the one they met a minute ago is his/her friend and thats just wrong and they think that if they have a problem anyone will be kind enough to help and thats a big lie in this world dammit! and what will happen to a kid that looks at those kind of unrealistic movies and they have a big problem like child molest or rape....he/she will become an emo when he/she becomes a teenager and become a burden and a parasite to everyone else....and we wont develop this way! everything is becoming so stupid around kids...and kids themselves too...and that pisses everyone...