Yeah, we're all gonna get a lot of things done tomorrow.

Aaron Worrall @NegativeONE

Age 39, Male

Beep boop


Joined on 2/15/03

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Mod Meet Fallout

Posted by NegativeONE - June 30th, 2008

So I've just landed in from this year's NG Mod Meet and I must say I was very pleasantly surprised. I'll start by thanking the hell out of the staff for picking up the bill on this huge weekend, and for all of the planning that went in. The staff presence during the whole thing definitely kept morale up in a big way too.

Beyond the whole cabin idea working out perfectly, the crowd this year was great, despite missing a few I hoped would make it. Didn't really get a chance to say proper goodbyes to most, or talk all that much, so here - for your viewing disinterest - was my one-line impression of each attendee.

Jonas - what can I say, the lumpy bastard is growing on me
Paul (uberbarista) - Damn, dude, you really pulled your shit together. I'd tap that meat.
Adam (CaptainBob) - Gotta admire your willingness to drink, no matter the conditions.
Steve - Stopped modding but still comes to the parties. This guy is great.
Karl (BlueHippo) - Like looking into a mirror that makes you appear younger and better-looking.
Malachy - Did not plug the sink with barf this time. If this trend continues, I think I like 'im.
Matt (mightypotato) - Glad we got a chance to talk more this time - you've got a good sense of humor.
Keith (avie) - Alright, it's about time I visit Endless. I'll do that after this post.
Lindsay (mamatequila) - Probably the coolest mom I know, and that's a competitive category.
Steven (Sardonic) - Always nice to have another Flash guy at these things. Hope you keep comin'.
Viktor (Rucklo) - Easily one of the better surprises of the trip, particularly considering I thought that furry in your display pic was you.
Anna - Friendly and receptive - I hope we didn't nerd you out too much.
Chris (JoS) - Thanks for fun road trip. Work on your indoors voice though <3 lolz
Swain - Wasn't there. Dick. <3<3
Shawn - Glad you're at so many of these things. Always have at least one guy whose company I know I'll enjoy.
Louis (Pox) - Always a highlight. Funny to look back on our first trip to the meet 4 friggin' years ago.
Luis - Thank God there's at least one other guy mixing up faggy drinks so I don't look so bad.

Well that was indulgent and unnecessary. On to more of the same.
I was hoping that my tanky would be ready for pickup, but it was delayed by some tinkering with the engraving. I was gonna post a picture of myself wielding the tanky, lookin' all proud and joyous, but in its absence, I guess this is just me wielding a bottle of zinc supplement, lookin' all confused and disheveled.

I bust balls because I love, Tom!

Mod Meet Fallout


Whut about teh webcamer?!? We witnessed the calling events! :3 Seemed like a hell of a time.

Doesn't count!
And a hell of a time it was.

Zinc? what? I don't think that has an alcoholic content

It's Canadian Zinc. 90 proof.

I can see a tad bit a disappointment and rage in those eyes.

I'm pretty much a lanky pile of rage.

You look like the frontman of some band from the 90's.

Which is actually pretty damn cool :)

Justification for my job being filled out as "Rockstar Mod" despite any musical talent whatsoever.


Funk wasn't there doing tricks? :'(

Oh don't worry, I'll get modded one of these days.

Naw, he was missing this year. Incidentally, zero fires.

Give me a high five that's so high none of the other mods can reach it! Lank4life ;D

Was nice meeting you :)


Oh yeah and I'll be sure to check out Vitalic :)

Hope you dig those two mixes!

Yeah, definitely. I have to remember to pull those off my laptop.

I will keep coming ^u^

I wuv you too ^u^


Yay Negative!

'Ey you. Shame your appearance was brief, but at least we got to shoot the shit about projects for a little while.

Your hair's cool, no need for musical talent nowadays.

Not to get your face on MTV anyway. That is, if MTV still had anything to do with music.

I'd tap your Zinc...


"Supports immune system and prostate health"!

Wait there was a mod meet?

Yeah, where were YOU, anyway? >: (

i told tom to melt your trophy into a mold of my face. <3

If that happens, I'm gonna melt your face into a mold of my trophy.

But if you melted his face into a mold of your trophy which was a mold of his face, then you wouldn't have much molding to do :0

I'd rather have a tank trophy with the tankman being luis ;P

Haha, stop finding flaws in my logic!


What do you think this site is about?? FLASH?!?! D :<

mod meet was pure <3 and oppression, i really hope to get back next year and secks you up some more. :)
and you better watch out - after this, i might even dare to show myself in the flash forum. maybe. <_< >_>

I'll believe it when I see it! Haha

No tank? That's going to be a monster to ship because of how much I presume it weighs.

It was definitely heavy enough to bludgeon a whale. Much more than a bottle of zinc, which is a shame 'cos I know some whales that're curmudgeonin' for a bludgeonin'

curmudgeonin' for a bludgeonin' sure is a mouth full.

Also where was this delicious ass-kissing for the montreal meet.

We must not be as cool.


You look like the type of guy that whold kick someone's ass for no reason.

An asshole? Sounds about right.



I made a perfectly good post for you to ruin here:
http://negativeone.newgrounds.com /news/post/130175

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